Sad news arrived last week. Europe’s only seaplane airline, which flew more DHC6 Twin Otter seaplanes, has stopped operations for an indefinite period.
The following press release signed by Captain Klaus-Dieter Martin, CEO and founder of the European Coastal Airlines seaplane airline.
“As from August 2014 European Coastal Airlines has been rapidly expanding, and within only 22 months opened and connected 15 destinations. More than 40.000 passengers have been safely and conveniently flown with Europe`s first scheduled seaplane operator. But ECA`s scope of business goes beyond that. By now European Coastal Airlines is operating more airports in South East Europe than anyone else, combining the knowledge of operating seaports and flight operations at once, only to make the experience for our passengers as unique as it can get.
Sadly, since 12th of August 2016 the flight operations of this revolutionary infrastructure project has been continuously disturbed, partly our entire fleet has been grounded for no justified reasons.
European Coastal Airlines has therefore addressed these issues and explained our situation to the government of the Republic of Croatia, seeking support and supervision to avoid further arbitrariness by administrational entities, preventing us to do what we do best, connecting Croatia and beyond.
Hence the shareholders of European Coastal Airlines do not see any alternative than to suspend operations for the time being. This comes at a high cost of almost every operational job within our company, however, we have been left with no other choice to protect the investment implemented till this very day.
Before August 12th of this year ECA had created 146 fulltime jobs; by 30th of November we will have cancelled 130 jobs. This means approx. 90% of our staff have lost or will lose their jobs due to the wrongdoing of administrational entities.
ECA will no longer invest any funds into the Croatian seaplane project up until the administrational situation has been cleared and giving us the opportunity to operate in a safe and trustworthy marketplace.
It comes with the greatest regret to inform the public about these developments, nevertheless we feel the necessity to make everyone understand the situation we are in.
European Coastal Airlines is a seaplane operator based in Split, Croatia. Founded in the year 2000, ECA provides regular seaplane services connecting major cities and islands along the Croatian coast and Italy. European Coastal Airlines is committed to maintain a high standard of business ethics, honesty and integrity in line with eco-friendliness and hence ensure social, ethical and environmental responsibility.
Today European Coastal Airlines is operating 11 seaports and connecting 15 locations. Since 2014 ECA has invested 22 million Euros into this remarkable and unique infrastructure project in Europe, creating more than 140 full time jobs.”
Images: European Coastal Airlines
We hope that it will not cease scheduled seaplane flight in Europe.
Captain Martin, your message is clear and well put. I sincerely hope that the government sees the mistakes it has made and the value of ECA to the region’s economy.
I would be happy to assist in any way if you find yourself in need. Quite a few of my friends have landed in Split and I was hoping to eventually work with you again myself.
Good Luck
Captain Robert Bruce
We are sure that you will come back stronger after this bad page of croatian politic,
all croatian and italian people have apèprecciate your connections and nobody can decide your future using your power to destroy years of work.Yes We Fly ECA !
Specifically what has the government done?
Dear Capt. Klaus-Dieter Martin and all at ECA
It is sad to hear of this unfortunate news, specially at a time when I am preparing to launch “floatlook & travel”. I do have to agree that the operation is a “demanding and venturous operation” and that it needs full support of all the public entities.
Never the less the aircraft manufactures and maintenance support is also heavily to be held accounted for their role and support in this entire new industry that we have decided to launch.
My aviation experience tells me that a “plan B” is always possible, and that a strategic reshuffle of these partnerships will bring the operation back to where it belongs.
My full support to assist and help you is obviously made available.
My best wishes and business regards
Paulo Figueiredo
My Best regards